Sunday, January 12, 2014

You've got cancer... But God didn't know what He was doing

I pray I never hear "you've got cancer".  But there are too many people that do and it's so heavy on my heart I'm about to scream!

According to the CDC, 7.6 million people die from the dreaded "C" word and it's only expected for that number to increase every year.  It is estimated by the time my young boys are adults that 1 in 2 people will have cancer. Which means one of my two boys will be diagnosed with cancer

When is enough, enough? I've had it, personally. I'm sick of seeing young kids never having a chance at life.  I'm sick of an elderly person who could have lived 10, 20, even 30 more years be taken to the grave way to soon. 

Unfortunatly, cancer is just the tip of the iceberg. We have people dying from cardiovascular diseases, autoimmune diseases, diabetes, and way too many man-made diseases to even list.

Death. We shiver at the word but when you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ it's a glorious reunion.  When you are a believer in the Father, son and Holy Spirit you are promised to spend eternity in Heaven; death is just a homecoming to your permanent home.  Your forever house. However, God does not intend for us to die young with PREVENTABLE, man made diseases. He means for us to live a long, abundant life fulfilling HIS glorious purpose for us using our gifts. He does NOT intend for us to suffer while our families sit in sorrow and disbelief of losing a loved one so soon.

God gives us instructions in the Bible, His Living Word, on how to live a long life. He gives us guidance on what food we should eat, to the way to cleanse ourselves mind, body and soul.  He instructs us on how to be joyous and give life to our bones. He promises no harm, only His riches and blessings. 

The enemy has other plans. And he comes as an angel of light making it hard for even believers to distinguish his evilness from goodness. But we have the Holy Spirit to help us discern that and if you are walking with Jesus every day, giving him your entire life, you have that wisdom that can only come from The Lord. 

His word says, "My people perish for a lack of knowledge." Did you get that? MY people. That means, the ones who are following Him, the good ole country boy, that precious baby girl, HIS people are perishing because they lack knowledge. 

Blame the enemy, disguised as man. 

•God made food so our bodies can function to its highest capapbility, giving life.  God made foods without genetically modified organisms, without chemicals and pesticides, and without being made in a factory. 

Man made food so our bodies fail, depleting and changing our very DNA, giving death. Man made genetically altered food, smothered on cancer causing chemicals and pesticides, and foods made in factories which actually is not food at all. So instead of having ALL of our food being organic and grown the way nature intended, we are stuck with paying outrageous prices just to find food that's grown and sourced organically, Gods way.  

But God didn't know what He was doing.

•God made our bodies to fight off bacteria, viruses, and disease. He made our immune system to work perfectly to keep our body healthy, killing the bad stuff around us and keeping the good stuff.

Man decided that when God made our immune system it wasn't good enough and man decided to make vaccinations in an effort to "boost our immune system" and provide "immunity" to our bodies. All the while man put known carcinogens, poisons, and bacteria and viruses grown on and from other animals in those vaccinations and called it helpful. (Let's keep in mind that the vaccination industry is a multi BILLION dollar industry)<----but nah, that doesn't affect anything, right? 

But God didn't know what He was doing.

•God made good germs to help fight bad germs, keeping a perfect balance on and around us. 

Man decided that all germs were bad and built an industry based on the fear of germs. It's called antibacterial-which wipes away 99.9 percent of ALL germs leaving our bodies out of whack. No wonder we can't fight off the bad guys, we've wiped the good guys away by the fear that if we don't disinfect and antibacterial everything we aren't clean enough. 

But God didn't know what He was doing. 

•God made our bodies to move. To flourish with activity by working hard, getting off the couch, and enjoying LIFE and nature.

Man has put it into our minds that in order to be healthy we need a structured gym and quick dieting program because who has time to work out and lose weight the way God intended.

But God didn't know what He was doing.  

•God desires us to have a harmonious, peaceful life; knowing we will face trials, stressors and hardships but can overcome those with promises from His word. He desires us to be pure in mind, keeping our thoughts on things that are Holy. He desires us to forgive others and love all people. 

Man desires for us to be stressed out so we can get a quick dose of an anti-depressant from the pharmaceutical company. (Which, again, is a multi BILLION dollar industry). Man desires us to be lustful, full of rage, anger, bitterness, dishonesty and hate because there's always a pill for that. And if we didn't crave sinful things our entertainment industry would be out of business. 

But God didn't know what He was doing. 

•God provided nature to heal us when we DO face sickness. He provided herbs, food and minerals to help us heal when our immune systems were burdened from environmental toxins and pollutants. 

Man made prescription drugs, eliminating herbs, food and minerals as way of healing because those can't be patented and marketed for sale. These prescription drugs have numerous side effects and most haven't been studied for long term effects. (Which we know by now the pharmaceutical company is a multi BILLION dollar industry)

But God didn't know what He was doing

The thing is, I'm pretty sure God did know what He was doing.

This isn't an argument on how to live your life. Praise The Lord we have the freedom to choose that. But my heart is bursting at the seams and I can't hold it in anymore. I choose to live the way God intended. I'm soaking in the knowledge from His word and basking in the wisdom imparted from the Holy Spirit. 

If I followed mans way, one of my precious boys will have cancer

And my boys aren't about to be a CDC statistic. 

I choose Gods way. Which way will you choose? 

(This list isn't exhaustive and certainly doesn't mean if you choose mans way you will get cancer or any other disease. I'm just putting in writing what the Holy Spirit has placed on my heart to open eyes that have been deceived by the enemy and man)

{Scripture references}
"For whoever finds me finds life and receives favor from The Lord." -Proverbs 8:35

"A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones." -Proverbs 14:30

"The tongue that brings healing is a tree of life, but a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit." 

"A happy heart makes the face cheerful, but heartache crushes the spirit." -Proverbs 15:13

"A cheerful look brings joy to the heart, and good news gives health to the bones." -Proverbs 15:30

"For we must all appear before the judgement seat of Christ, that each one may receive what is due him for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad." -2 Corinthians 5:10

" I am greatly encourganed; in all our troubles my joy knows no bounds." -2 Corinthians 7:4

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