Saturday, January 18, 2014

Organic Gluten Free Maple Glazed Granola

Oh yes, this granola tastes as amazing as the name sounds! Hey, who says you can't have treats and be healthy? We enjoyed this as a bedtime snack over a little unsweetened almond milk. Oh baby. 

Gluten-Free Maple Glazed Granola
(Please try and use all organic and as local of ingredients as possible for optimal nutrition)  

3 cups gluten free oats

1/2 cup chopped nuts and seeds (any you like, I used pecans and sesame seeds) 

3/4 cup unsweetened coconut (I used coconut flakes, but shreds would work as well)

1/4 cup coconut oil

1/3 cup pure grade B maple syrup 

1 tsp cinnamon

1/4 tsp pink Himalayan sea salt 

Preheat oven to 325 degrees.  Mix oats, nuts and seeds and coconut together. In a separate bowl melt coconut oil until liquified, add syrup, cinnamon, and salt and whisk together until mixed. Add the wet ingredients to the oat mixture and spread onto a large glass baking pan.  
Bake for 10 minutes, then flip mixture over as good as you can. Bake another 10 minutes and flip again. Bake for another 5 minutes and take out of oven to let cool. Once cool store in an airtight container for up to 2 weeks. 

Nutritional Benefits 
•oats-contain a certain type of fiber which helps lower cholesterol. Antioxidant compounds unique to oats, called avenanthramides, help prevent free radicals from damaging LDL cholesterol and reduces your risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke
•pecans-excellent source of lowering cholesterol and provides a great source of omega 3 fatty acids crucial for helping to regulate heart rhythms. High in protein, fiber, and vital minerals for optimal health
•coconut oil-because coconut oils properties and benefits are so astonishing; here is a link to a fellow blogger who has wrote an excellent article on why you want coconut oil to be apart of your every day diet:
•maple syrup-this God made sweetner is so delicious and when used in moderation provides some crucial vitamins and minerals. It is high in antioxidants helping to combat inflammation throughout the body as well as cancer damaging free radicals. This awesome food also contains compounds that inhibit enzymes associated with type 2 diabetes. 
•cinnamon-the best cinnamon to use is Ceylon cinnamon; it is cinnamon in its purest form. It has many health benefits but the biggest one is it's ability to help regulate blood sugar. 

Thursday, January 16, 2014

2 quick and easy salads||Taco Salad and Refrigerator Salad

This mostly raw taco salad is the easiest, quickest meal, I think, there is. It is packed full of vitamins and immune boosting foods to keep your body running at peak performance.

This recipe feeds 2 adults and can easily be doubled or tripled depending on your family size 

Kaseys Taco Salad
(As always, try and buy organic and local as possible for optimum nutritional benefit)

3 cups of greens (this is a good way to throw in whatever you have. In the photo above there is spinach, Swiss chard, arugula, and massages kale<---more on that later)

1 cup of crushed sprouted corn chips (if you at on the GAPS diet or are corn sensitive, the corn chips can be subsided for organic, GMO free bean chips for similar taste and crunch)

1/2 cup of raw shredded cheese (I used raw jalapeƱo cheese here)

jalapeƱos to taste

salsa to taste

guacamole (for a quick guacamole I mashed up 1 avocado, sprinkle of salt and pepper, 2 garlic cloves minced, Nd a squeeze of lemon juice) 

Put all of the ingredients in a bowl, and ENJOY! 

What is great about this recipe, besides the convenient factor and nutritional content, is this recipe can be added to suit your needs. I often times throw in shredded chicken or ground seasons lamb, you can omit the dairy and add nutritional yeast for a true vegan meal.  The options are limitless! 

Nutritional benefits:
•greens-full of essential vitamins, protein, antioxidants for immune and cancer protection, also it is a low carb, low calorie food which aids in weight loss. 
•raw cheese-one of the few foods that has a perfect balance between omega 3 and omega 6 essential fats. Also high in calcium and protein for bone protection
•salsa-picking a salsa with no sugar is crucial. When you do this you have a super healthy condiment loaded with vitamins and minerals, antioxidant protection, high in vitamin C and fiber to keep your vowels regular!
•guacamole-although avocados are naturally high in fat, it's a good fat that we all need for optimal brain function, not to mention avocados are high in vitamin K which helps your body absorb calcium. The garlic found in guacamole is proven to be stronger than some antibiotics at fighting off certain infections and food poisoning from common food contaminants.  It also helps boost your immune system.

Refrigerator salad means you empty your fridge to make a healthy, YUMMY salad. I love doing this for lunch or as a side with dinner. 

This recipe below feeds 1, so it can easily be doubled or tripled. I used what I had in my fridge but it can be easily adapted with what you have in yours! I love adding hard boiled eggs, any type of fruit, or cold shredded chicken. 

Refrigerator Salad 
(As always, try and buy organic and local as possible for optimum nutritional benefit)

2 cups of raw greens

2 shredded baby raw carrots or 1 shredded large raw carrot

2 tbls of shredded raw cheese

1/4 cup of cold cooked peas with a dash of pink Himalayan sea salt

Fermented pepperonchis to taste 

2 tbls raw hemp seeds

1 tbls raisins 

Sprinkle of sesame seeds

Dressing of choice (I used Mama Jeans Homemade ranch, just enough for a little flavor) 

Put all ingredients in a bowl, and ENJOY! 

Nutritional benefits:
•greens-full of essential vitamins, protein, antioxidants for immune and cancer protection, also it is a low carb, low calorie food which aids in weight loss. 
•carrots-we all know they are good for our eyes but they also provide so much more! A new 10 year study just out says that carrots decrease your cardiovascular risk!! They also have antioxidants and phytonutrients which can shrink tumor cells and decrease your cancer risk, as well as eliminate free radicals in the body. Wow! 
•raw cheese-one of the few foods that has a perfect balance between omega 3 and omega 6 essential fats. Also high in calcium and protein for bone protection
•peas-peas can be a problem for glutamate sensitive food, but otherwise they are a powerhouse of vitamins. Despite their startchy nature, the benefits greatly outweigh their minor natural sugar content. They have a phytonutrient that can actually help with damaged cells causing stomach cancer! They also are a low fat food, but providing a substantial amount of the essential omega 3, most if us are missing from our diet. 
•fermented foods-they help keep our gut balance in check, fighting off the bad bacteria while keeping and enhancing the good bacteria in our digestive system-they should be eating multiple times a day. 
•hemp seeds-high protein food containing all nine of the essential amino acids.  It also has high amounts of fatty acids and fiber as well as containing vitamin E and trace minerals. It has a balanced ratio of omega 3 to 6 fats as well.
•raisins-they are a high energy, low fat food. They do have a high natural sugar content but eating sparingly, the antioxident benefits outweigh the sugar. They also contain fiber for maintaining proper digestion. 

Sunday, January 12, 2014

You've got cancer... But God didn't know what He was doing

I pray I never hear "you've got cancer".  But there are too many people that do and it's so heavy on my heart I'm about to scream!

According to the CDC, 7.6 million people die from the dreaded "C" word and it's only expected for that number to increase every year.  It is estimated by the time my young boys are adults that 1 in 2 people will have cancer. Which means one of my two boys will be diagnosed with cancer

When is enough, enough? I've had it, personally. I'm sick of seeing young kids never having a chance at life.  I'm sick of an elderly person who could have lived 10, 20, even 30 more years be taken to the grave way to soon. 

Unfortunatly, cancer is just the tip of the iceberg. We have people dying from cardiovascular diseases, autoimmune diseases, diabetes, and way too many man-made diseases to even list.

Death. We shiver at the word but when you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ it's a glorious reunion.  When you are a believer in the Father, son and Holy Spirit you are promised to spend eternity in Heaven; death is just a homecoming to your permanent home.  Your forever house. However, God does not intend for us to die young with PREVENTABLE, man made diseases. He means for us to live a long, abundant life fulfilling HIS glorious purpose for us using our gifts. He does NOT intend for us to suffer while our families sit in sorrow and disbelief of losing a loved one so soon.

God gives us instructions in the Bible, His Living Word, on how to live a long life. He gives us guidance on what food we should eat, to the way to cleanse ourselves mind, body and soul.  He instructs us on how to be joyous and give life to our bones. He promises no harm, only His riches and blessings. 

The enemy has other plans. And he comes as an angel of light making it hard for even believers to distinguish his evilness from goodness. But we have the Holy Spirit to help us discern that and if you are walking with Jesus every day, giving him your entire life, you have that wisdom that can only come from The Lord. 

His word says, "My people perish for a lack of knowledge." Did you get that? MY people. That means, the ones who are following Him, the good ole country boy, that precious baby girl, HIS people are perishing because they lack knowledge. 

Blame the enemy, disguised as man. 

•God made food so our bodies can function to its highest capapbility, giving life.  God made foods without genetically modified organisms, without chemicals and pesticides, and without being made in a factory. 

Man made food so our bodies fail, depleting and changing our very DNA, giving death. Man made genetically altered food, smothered on cancer causing chemicals and pesticides, and foods made in factories which actually is not food at all. So instead of having ALL of our food being organic and grown the way nature intended, we are stuck with paying outrageous prices just to find food that's grown and sourced organically, Gods way.  

But God didn't know what He was doing.

•God made our bodies to fight off bacteria, viruses, and disease. He made our immune system to work perfectly to keep our body healthy, killing the bad stuff around us and keeping the good stuff.

Man decided that when God made our immune system it wasn't good enough and man decided to make vaccinations in an effort to "boost our immune system" and provide "immunity" to our bodies. All the while man put known carcinogens, poisons, and bacteria and viruses grown on and from other animals in those vaccinations and called it helpful. (Let's keep in mind that the vaccination industry is a multi BILLION dollar industry)<----but nah, that doesn't affect anything, right? 

But God didn't know what He was doing.

•God made good germs to help fight bad germs, keeping a perfect balance on and around us. 

Man decided that all germs were bad and built an industry based on the fear of germs. It's called antibacterial-which wipes away 99.9 percent of ALL germs leaving our bodies out of whack. No wonder we can't fight off the bad guys, we've wiped the good guys away by the fear that if we don't disinfect and antibacterial everything we aren't clean enough. 

But God didn't know what He was doing. 

•God made our bodies to move. To flourish with activity by working hard, getting off the couch, and enjoying LIFE and nature.

Man has put it into our minds that in order to be healthy we need a structured gym and quick dieting program because who has time to work out and lose weight the way God intended.

But God didn't know what He was doing.  

•God desires us to have a harmonious, peaceful life; knowing we will face trials, stressors and hardships but can overcome those with promises from His word. He desires us to be pure in mind, keeping our thoughts on things that are Holy. He desires us to forgive others and love all people. 

Man desires for us to be stressed out so we can get a quick dose of an anti-depressant from the pharmaceutical company. (Which, again, is a multi BILLION dollar industry). Man desires us to be lustful, full of rage, anger, bitterness, dishonesty and hate because there's always a pill for that. And if we didn't crave sinful things our entertainment industry would be out of business. 

But God didn't know what He was doing. 

•God provided nature to heal us when we DO face sickness. He provided herbs, food and minerals to help us heal when our immune systems were burdened from environmental toxins and pollutants. 

Man made prescription drugs, eliminating herbs, food and minerals as way of healing because those can't be patented and marketed for sale. These prescription drugs have numerous side effects and most haven't been studied for long term effects. (Which we know by now the pharmaceutical company is a multi BILLION dollar industry)

But God didn't know what He was doing

The thing is, I'm pretty sure God did know what He was doing.

This isn't an argument on how to live your life. Praise The Lord we have the freedom to choose that. But my heart is bursting at the seams and I can't hold it in anymore. I choose to live the way God intended. I'm soaking in the knowledge from His word and basking in the wisdom imparted from the Holy Spirit. 

If I followed mans way, one of my precious boys will have cancer

And my boys aren't about to be a CDC statistic. 

I choose Gods way. Which way will you choose? 

(This list isn't exhaustive and certainly doesn't mean if you choose mans way you will get cancer or any other disease. I'm just putting in writing what the Holy Spirit has placed on my heart to open eyes that have been deceived by the enemy and man)

{Scripture references}
"For whoever finds me finds life and receives favor from The Lord." -Proverbs 8:35

"A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones." -Proverbs 14:30

"The tongue that brings healing is a tree of life, but a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit." 

"A happy heart makes the face cheerful, but heartache crushes the spirit." -Proverbs 15:13

"A cheerful look brings joy to the heart, and good news gives health to the bones." -Proverbs 15:30

"For we must all appear before the judgement seat of Christ, that each one may receive what is due him for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad." -2 Corinthians 5:10

" I am greatly encourganed; in all our troubles my joy knows no bounds." -2 Corinthians 7:4

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Represent Yo State

I'm a HUGE fan of mom and pop shops. Supporting the local economy is super important to me as well as supporting small businesses all over the nation. 

So let me introduce you to States of Mind Clothing Co.

They are a small company originating in Arkansas. Their slogan is "A humor infused and vintage inspired clothing company that encompasses all of your States of Mind" 

They offer wholesale clothing to small boutiques and are in big box stores like Dillards, but you can also purchase online or through their Facebook page. 

So for my outfit of the day, which includes...
Wait for it...

Packing.  I paired velvet wide-leg lounge paints, a teal green, black and white houndstooth States of Mind slouchy tee, fleece lined winter Toms, and of course my glasses so I can label my boxes correctly. Lol 

For the next 7 days I conclude my outfits will be inspired by comfort and flexibility and less about fashion. We officially load up our rented box truck on the 16th and hit the road with our whole house behind us on wheels on the 17th. 

Needless to say, I'm overwhelmed and my OCD doesn't fare well with a dysfunctional living space and unorganized messes. 

And as much as I want to say, "but it's only for a time and everything will be sparkly and clean soon" I don't really feel like being chipper today. {sighhhhh}

So for today, I'm wallowing in self-pity in my cute, small business bought outfit and dreaming of Ikea simplicity. 

That is all.

Buy local.

Buy small business. 

Represent yo state

Friday, January 10, 2014

Meet my friend Jen Hatmaker

Well she's not really my friend. She doesn't even know me. She's an author, speaker and pastor from Texas. 

But she won my BFF status after I read her book Seven last spring. It changed my life. She changed my life. So ya. We are friends. 

She posted this article!What-Counts-with-Jen-Hatmaker/cr7x/61DDDE23-4A87-4D9C-8825-9D2C9457EDFC. 

Please, take 2 minutes and read it. 

Her perspective of life is inspiring. Her humorous interpretation of reality will help you find your child-like soul. 

If she hasn't become your friend yet, she will soon. 

Read Seven. Read this article.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Sometimes when you have no strength...

When the storms of life come, the wicked are whirled away, but the godly have a lasting foundation. (Proverbs 10:25 NLT)

Sometimes when you have no words. 

Sometimes when you have no direction.

Sometimes when you have no strength.

Sometimes when you have no path.

You cling to the One who does.

Then everything else doesn't matter.

Everything else falls into place.

And everything make sense.

You then have words.

You have direction.

You have strength.

And you have a path.

You see, life isn't supposed to be easy. It's supposed to be full of trials. Because with trials come perseverance. And when you have persevered you see the blessing. 

How can your life be a testimony if you figure everything out on your own? How can your life be one of courage if you never faced any fears? 

We need Him. 

Stay on the course.
Don't lose hope.

A blessing awaits. 

Mans diets don't work-but Gods diet does.

Diets fail 100% of the time, every time. 

Why? Because once you stop the diet and go back to eating the way you were before, you gain the weight back and all of the westernized mentality is feeding your soul. 

Deprivation of anything, whether it be food, sleep, money, or time, is never successful and actually can cause more damage in the long run. Just like not getting enough sleep night after night-it doesn't immediately cause dangerous affects but after a few night of no sleep or very little sleep you can have all sorts of problems; from cognitive to mental. 

The same exact principal holds true with dieting. By depriving your body of vital nutrients you are causing your body to go into starvation mode. What happens when your body goes into starvation mode:

    "First your body will go into starvation mode. When this happens your metabolism starts to slowly shut down. You make your body think that it may not get food for a while so it will fight to keep every calorie and ounce of fat. It is basically like a protection mechanism which aids our survival. It would be beneficial if we were stranded out in the middle of nowhere and didn’t know when our next meal would come.

Secondly, after a period of starvation, most of us will crack. When we crack under severe hunger we tend to gorge. It’s pretty much uncontrollable so you really don’t ever want to get to that point. You shouldn’t ever have to.

Thirdly, gorging on a huge meal after your body is in starvation mode will cause the calories to be processed differently than normal. If your body is running on a slower metabolism and trying to cherish every calorie, the food that you throw at it all of a sudden will be stored as well. Guess what comes next? Yup, more body fat.

When you starve yourself you tend to just end up eating more at the end of the day anyways. The only difference is that your body will have a slow metabolism when you do eventually eat." (Source 

Dieting puts unreasonable boundaries on our mind, body and soul. Instead of desiring to be healthier and protecting our bodies by feeding it nourishing, life-giving food so we can live out the will of God, we fall for any quick fix just to shed a few pounds. Losing weight, if you are overweight, is a great goal, but this shouldn't be our main desire. We should want to become healthier mind, body and soul to have an abundant life. 

Friends, this is SO simple to do. By eating FULL fats, organic grass fed meats, fresh seasonal produce, and limiting grains and sugar and staying away from processed foods, you are giving your body the chance to thrive the way God intended. In return you will be more successful in your business because of your clarity of mind, you will have more energy for your family, and most of all you can LIVE out your life's purpose in a fulfilling way. 

I want to see you succeed and falling for a low fat, sugar free, gluten free, Atkins, South Beach, Jenny Craig, etc. diet, isn't the way to do it! 

Follow me and my journey. I promise to give you healthy meals, recipes, shopping lists, and plenty of tips and tricks to see your body, mind and soul thrive!